Things I have learnt this week - Part 3
Yes, I know I normally post this on a Friday but I have a hangover, its my last day in work for a week and well you know I may not be able to write tomorrow due to chocolate eating!!
Anyway - today is April Fool's Day and I was going to post a lie/joke but my head hurts and I couldn't think of any so I thought I'd learn a bit more about this day and share this with you - did you know that April Fool's was possibly due to Chaucer and his tale of vain cock (!!) in Nun's Priest Tale. I think we'll leave that one there!!
So, what have I learnt this week, well I have learnt that being not an Alpha Mummy is OK but we have to remember that some people may think you are one even if you aren't! I've also learnt that vlogging is cool(ish) and that some people love my accent!
As I've been fiddling with my new iphone, I've also been downloading some podcasts and one of the funniest ones I've ever heard (though a bit explicit and weird in places) is Phil and Phill's The Perfect 10(available on itunes). (I would link it but don't know how). If you like to laugh out loud and nearly pee yourself then please listen - their also on Twitter @PhillandphilP10.
As you all know (and if you don't have you been hiding?) this week saw the launch of the Mad's (the Mummy and Daddy Blog Awards 2010). There is a huge list of who has been nominated so far here and as you can see someone has nominated little old me for the MAD blogger of the year award!! I'm so shocked and excited but probaly need to be voted for loads of times so I'll just post this little button here:
and if I just sit here for a bit and sing (Yes its my fault its raining and snowing sorry!!) you can go ahead an vote for me for any category you like. Anyone can vote you don't have to be a blogger!!
Anyway - back to normallity!
I've learnt this week that some people do the funniest of things when they think we're not looking.
I've learnt that we all live in different places, as you can see from the Gallery@StickyFingers
I've learnt about how holidays could send you crazy and make you climb up the wall (well not in her house anyway but they may here if it doesn't stop raining!)
I've learnt that not all things chocolate is good ( I don't know if I want an Easter Egg anymore!!)
Anyway I really need to look busier now (oops I may have been caught!) so am off but before I go here's Bjork for Not Such a Yummy Mummy who was there in the Nynex in 1993! ( as I found out on Twitter this morning)
So this ones for you and all the other Bjork fans out there!
And Happy Easter / Pasg Hapus to you all.
Anyway - today is April Fool's Day and I was going to post a lie/joke but my head hurts and I couldn't think of any so I thought I'd learn a bit more about this day and share this with you - did you know that April Fool's was possibly due to Chaucer and his tale of vain cock (!!) in Nun's Priest Tale. I think we'll leave that one there!!
So, what have I learnt this week, well I have learnt that being not an Alpha Mummy is OK but we have to remember that some people may think you are one even if you aren't! I've also learnt that vlogging is cool(ish) and that some people love my accent!
As I've been fiddling with my new iphone, I've also been downloading some podcasts and one of the funniest ones I've ever heard (though a bit explicit and weird in places) is Phil and Phill's The Perfect 10(available on itunes). (I would link it but don't know how). If you like to laugh out loud and nearly pee yourself then please listen - their also on Twitter @PhillandphilP10.
As you all know (and if you don't have you been hiding?) this week saw the launch of the Mad's (the Mummy and Daddy Blog Awards 2010). There is a huge list of who has been nominated so far here and as you can see someone has nominated little old me for the MAD blogger of the year award!! I'm so shocked and excited but probaly need to be voted for loads of times so I'll just post this little button here:
and if I just sit here for a bit and sing (Yes its my fault its raining and snowing sorry!!) you can go ahead an vote for me for any category you like. Anyone can vote you don't have to be a blogger!!
Anyway - back to normallity!
I've learnt this week that some people do the funniest of things when they think we're not looking.
I've learnt that we all live in different places, as you can see from the Gallery@StickyFingers
I've learnt about how holidays could send you crazy and make you climb up the wall (well not in her house anyway but they may here if it doesn't stop raining!)
I've learnt that not all things chocolate is good ( I don't know if I want an Easter Egg anymore!!)
Anyway I really need to look busier now (oops I may have been caught!) so am off but before I go here's Bjork for Not Such a Yummy Mummy who was there in the Nynex in 1993! ( as I found out on Twitter this morning)
So this ones for you and all the other Bjork fans out there!
And Happy Easter / Pasg Hapus to you all.
You vlogged and I missed it? How did I manage that? and I love the Welsh accent :D Hope you recover your love of chocolate and come to realise that it IS all good lol. Jen.