How to be a crap mother - part 2

I'm sure that I've written before how I can be a crap mother (but to be honest am writing this as Neb has gone to get glue and can't be arsed to look - if you find it in my archives let me know!).

But over the last couple of weeks I have surpassed all expectations of crappiness and this came to a head today.

Shall I explain...

Well for Christmas I bought my dad, the in laws and my godmother a calendar with pics of the girls on it (well I have to spend my pay pal money don't I!). I can hear you thinking, that doesn't sound like a bad thing BNM... but wait.

They arrived and I thought they looked great, I passed them to Neb and he agreed. Later that day Bel looked at them and said..."Mummy, you do know I'm 7 this birthday don't you not 8!"
Yes, readers I had put the wrong birthday age down for not just Bel but Car, aging them by a year!! Thankfully I saved the calendars with the use of labels and gave them out anyway!!

So that was crap point one - what else- well for the last month I've been getting Car's birthday wrong.. positive it was the 9th of January but after having many blazing rows with husband which accumulated in getting out birth certificate she was actually born on 7th!! DUH!!! (crap point two!!)

And here comes crap point three - in my haste to play Bel's DS I have in the last five minutes opened it and broken it!! That is right the hinge is broken!! (hence the reason Neb has gone to get glue!!). I'm currently searching EBay for used consoles so I can get her a new one for her birthday (or sooner!!).

So crapness ensues in the BNM household. I hope to get better by next year!!!



  1. Hahahaha! I've always had trouble with my son's birthday - not the date but the year he was born.

  2. I have put my four month old to bed smelling like an ashtray after taking him to a smokey pub tonight. You're not doing too bad.
    (In my defense I did not know it was going to be smokey. But I didn't take him outside either.
    In your defense you probably didn't mean to break the thing, right?
    I can never remember my daughter's birthday either.)


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