Debauchery is great!!!

Hello everyone

Sorry for the lack of posting but work has been madness but enough of that.

The best thing about working hard is your actually aloud to party hard!! Yes, even with kids it does happen - I do actually get out of the house and not just to work!!

So Friday night was a works party - which as usual I ate too much and drunk too much. Vodka - I am not touching it ever again!!!

Saturday arrived and with it came over the hangover, but I did get up and sit with the children (well I sat on the sofa and they may have been looked over by the great god that is Nick Jr)

Later on Saturday, after drunkenly wrapping my first Christmas present (yeah!) we went to have some more drinkie poos and have and adults and children sleepover (well they slept - I didn't do much!!)

And do you know what, yes it took ages to get three girls to go to sleep in the same room, to stop bossing each other around but eventually they played nicely and they did sleep even if it meant Wibble had to sing them a lullaby (about the American civil war!!). We then carried on with the evening with drinking (wine and water alternately - well me anyway!!), sleeping (I had to have a power nap to get rid of my hangover!!), eating (plenty of cheese, biscuits and delicious chutney!), some chick flicks for me and N (Bridget Jones and Mama Mia) while Wibble and Neb played cards and drank port!! I went to bed at 2.30!!!

And  bless them the boys who were up later than me and N, got up with the girls whilst I slept in until 9, where I got up , got into N's bed and had breakfast in bed!! It was lovely (even in Neb got a bit jealous of me being in bed with another woman!!)

This is why we have friends, for good and bad times, for laughs, hugs and loves. We all really enjoyed our weekend and yes we may have over drank and overate but we laughed and cried, and danced, and reminisced, and listened to the menfolk talk about wine in pompous accents.

To friends, close and far, I love you all.
To my bloggy friends, I may not have met you but I love you too!!



  1. Lovely post, love you too, and sounds like you had a well deserved fabulous weekend. Anyhow what are times with good friends for - eating together, drinking together, luaghing together and everything else together. Oh and by the way, I think if DH had seen the bit about you being in bed with N and Neb being jealous he would be asking what is wrong with him! DH would of been making cracks about fcould he film something!

  2. What a great weekend! Love you too, my dear bloggy friend!!


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