Thank you Mr Postman

I have gotten so used to receiving parcels recently, what with Christmas on its way and with items to review being delivered.

Sometimes though its nice to receive when you didn't know you were. A gift from an unknown person. I have had two such things recently.

Firstly,do you remember earlier in the year when myself and Neb reviewed some delicious Green and Black's chocolate. Well, last week I got a surprise parcel from them with a pack of 12 miniature chocolates to use as emergency presents if needed in the house. I may have started to eat them though so I am calling them a present to myself!!

Then, I got an email from a lovely woman from Disney PR who had read a post mentioning Club Penguin (or CP to you and me!). She very kindly sent Bel a CP penguin and some badges just because she realised that CP mania had hit our house. Bel loves it and has taken it to bed with her.

As its Christmas, please remember that the giving and receiving of presents is a joyous thing and can make us smile, laugh and cheer. No matter how small or large the gift. Sometimes the act of just giving can be enough.



  1. I could have done with an emergency present just before when a friend called round with a presy for me!! I always get her something but haven't as yet and now I feel awful. A bar of chocolate would have been perfect.

    Enjoy! CJ xx

  2. Parcels in the mail are on of my favorite things. Love them :O)


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