Magical Santa came to visit.

We may have not had the snow that many of the country has had, but frost we have aplenty. There was even some black ice on the pavement the other night after the rain (yes rain not snow!).

But its not just Jack Frost that has paid us a visit.

No, the girls have also received a letter from Magical Santa (he's also telepathic as I'd forgotten to get them to send their letters!!)

Luckily for them (ahem ) their mummy knew exactly what they wanted  and so I followed the star to the kind link I was sent and so last week through the post came an envelope each  with this on it:

As you can see  from the website there are 4 different designs to chose from and so, they got a different one each:

Here's Bel's

And Car's

Both the girls love receiving post and even though Car is only small I think she was pleased with it. Bel obviously thought it was fantastic that Santa knew that she has tried to be good and helps with annoying looking after Car. Also this year as her reading is improving daily she loved to be able to read about all the things that Santa was up to!

So if you haven't got a letter back from Santa yet, why not try Magical Santa, they will post letters out until the 18th December to the UK and will even send overseas too (check website for details).

Also if you go here you will get the letters for £2.79 and not the usual price of £2.99 each.

Definitely a website I will be bookmarking for next year!!


This is a review post and all opinions given are mine


  1. How fun for the girls! Man-Child once received an email from Santa and was completely over the moon!

  2. We did this one year for my eldest and he was overjoyed. Jen

  3. We did the video message and both boys keep asking to watch it again and loved it, letters look good as well though, might reinforce his message to be good and help around the house a bit more!

  4. Thanks for doing the review. So glad your girls liked them


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