Apparently and other stuff

.. when I have a lie in its ok for me to be woken up by t'husband! (note - if he has a lie in I leave him!)

...if you leave the washing up long enough it grows things and then t'husband does it!!!

...tis ok for my body to decide that seeing as I'm going to be mega busy it should throw a spanner into the works and bring me down with a cold!!!


To cheer myself up last night I started looking at places to go on holiday - we're thinking Yorkshire this year - possibly the moors. But to do that we need to get a newer tent, smaller and possibly warmer, I've seen one here but that'll have to depend on finances, may have to ebay one! Also, there doesn't seem to be many campsites around these days. Going camping for nearly every holiday as a kid, I wonder how my parents planned it, seeing as it was pre internet and all. Anyway if you know the area, and have suggestions let me know.

Anyway better go, the washing up may not take him that long!!!


PS Thank you for the kind comments on the last blogpost, it is nice to hear that I'm not the only one feeling the strain.
