Our weekend

So after the miserable start to Saturday morning, our weekend has gone well.

Neb managed to climb out of bed on Saturday morning to go and help his builder mate and then didn't return until 5 that evening. So after moaning at the kids what did I do. Well I managed to quieten Bel by listening to her pleadings of COMPUTER mummy.. so off she went for her Club Penguin fix. I then demolished the washing up and within the half hour had got the kids their lunch.

After lunch we did some baking, (as you could see from yesterday's Silent Sunday post). The girls enjoyed this immensely even if me and Bel had to stop Car from licking the spoon at all times. Yes, she even licked marg off the spoon!! Cakes in the oven, the girls were then kept busy with some colouring in. Thankfully I knew of a website that had a plane colour by numbers picture which I could print off. Bel had a great go at it while Car decided that the plane was boring and so I had to download some Peppa Pig printouts for her

Bel loved the colour by numbers and if you were going on holiday or in the car this would be a lovely activity to take with you, especially as more downloads are being made avaialble over the coming weeks.

(Hint: if you are going anywhere over half term and driving far in the car then invest in one of those lap trays- they're great for giving a flat surface for colouring in!)

Unfortunately while the girls were colouring in, I was tweeting and asking for help with glace icing and managed to burn three of the fairy cakes! We then tried to make pink icing but with Car's help we made red. I put the icing on the cakes and the girls decorated them with silver balls and chocolate chips. So ladybird cakes made I settled the girls down for some Tom and Jerry while I got on with making Spaghetti Bolognese for supper. I won't bore you with my recipe (unless you do want it let me know) but needless to say there's not much left especially after Car announced I love pghetti, lasne and macaroni mummy!

Domestic disaster part two struck me when making the spaghetti as I managed to get the pasta out of the cupboard and knock the food colouring out the same time. One red floor, hands and feet later and I'd mangaed to clean up!! By yesterday morning my hands have lost the red stain but I still have a red toe!!

Yesterday, we had a quiet day, CP time for Bel again, jigsaw puzzles for Car, Laundry and Internet shopping for me and work for Neb. I hope you all had a fabulous weekend too.

Right I better get going and do some work!

