Car is 3!!

You were two weeks late and born on a Monday and the same weight as your sister (9lb2!)

I'm happy in a way that you didn't arrive on your due date - although you still believe its Santa that's bringing you your presents and was upset when I explained he wasn't.

You are a different little girl to your sister, more bolshy, bossy and independent (a mini me!)

Without your dummy (quite often now!!) you are so talkative that we can not shut you up.

When we tell you, that you have strawberry blond hair - you cry and say no its Black!

There are so many funny things you say but those I'll save for another day

Penblwydd Hapus Cariad

Love Mummy



  1. Happy Birthday to your baby girl. Excuse, I mean "big" girl! I love them at that age!


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