Bloggy lists

It seems that 2011 has seen us all venture our bloggy lists forward. I've seen bucket lists (things to do before you die), listographies, and  fantasy wish lists. Some people have also noted that they cannot live without lists!

As you know I've decided not to pick a resolution , as I'll never keep those anyway, normal resolutions seem to die within 1st week (I'm also very bad at giving up things for lent- no will power).

So I have hopes some of which are starting to work. We have started the weaning off dummy - and at the moment its going OK, days are getting there and when we conquer them I will seriously start on nights. I did mention the dummy fairy to her last night and she screamed and screamed at me, but as I know this technique is working with Holly at It's a Mummy's Life then I will persevere. (you can follow how she's getting on here)

Lists are generally something I keep for work (or when packing car before going away to make sure we have everything!). My lists in work tend to be long and never seem to lessen.

But do you know I think I should make a list - this year my dear husband Neb turns 40 and with my 40th then only 5 years away I am slowly compiling a list of things to do before I'm 40. He says I need to stop rubbing it in that I'm younger than him and that he knows he will be 40 this year but hey what else am I meant to do for fun.

So, my list is work in process but on it so far are:

·         Go and watch and bet on the dogs
·         Go and watch and bet on horse racing
·         Go to the ballet
·         Go to an ice hockey match
·         See a Shakespearean play at the RSC in Stratford
·         Learn to drive again (also known as actually pass my test this time)
·         Go and see a drag act
·         Have a spa weekend
·         Read all of the BBC Top 100 reads ( or just read more in general, I have read both the books I got given as Christmas presents!)
·         Have tea at the Ritz in London
·         Have dinner with husband at posh London restaurant like Ramsay's
·         Take part in a parachute jump!
·         Swim with sharks/dolphins

Is there anything that you would love to do before a certain milestone. Or anything you think I should do but  before anyone suggests I run the London Marathon, I think I'll leave that one to Emma over at Me, The Man and The Baby. If you pop over to her blog you can see how her training is getting along, do leave her a comment to egg her on!

Right must go and check out what Books I have read from the BBC's Top 100 list now... or actually do some work!!



  1. I want a spa weekend too, and I want to go to the Ritz. Preferably the same weekend. -HMx

  2. You have just inspired me to start a list because I turn 40 in May this year so I'd better write it and get on with it - fast! Some great things on yours.

  3. I'd like to get back to the gym in February. Stop breastfeeding sometime between Feb and August. (Haven't made up my mind yet.)

    Good luck with your goals!

  4. All that sounds quite exciting! Especially the spa weekend! *whispers* I've never been to a spa before!!

    Thank You for including me! :D xx

  5. I'm sure if I thought on it I could come up with a list like that! ;-) One addition to your list could be to find your way to North Carolina...hint, hint.

    I don't know if this will work for you re: getting rid of the pacifier (or binky as we called it) but this is what I did. Once I weaned the binky during the day after a week or two, every night when I handed him the binky for bedtime I'd tell him that the binky was going away in 7 days. Then 6, then 5 and so on. On the day when it was gone - he looked for it and I reminded him that I told him it was going away. He cried but eventually went to sleep and after about 2 more days - we were done. Good luck - it's not so easy to get rid of these things - for them or us.

  6. Spa weekend sounds great - possible one for a girly meet up? My sis in law was telling me about a place that offers a girls night in, you stay in a hotel & they provide pizza, wine, room service & dvds!

    My ambition before 40 is to do something like walk the great wall of China for charity or climb kilamanjaro.


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