When the lurgy hits - REVIEW

 So tomorrow is back to school and nursery - the kids can't wait.

But is it all good news, well apparently not as experts are warning that a surge in flu could be expected as everyone returns to school and work. And don't think that if you have a child under 18 you can get them vaccinated in your local chemist because they won't do it. Until the government decides that everyone can be vaccinated if they want it your scuppered! When Car had a chance to be vaccinated for Swine Flu I ummed and aahed and after taking medical advice from my dear friend Dr Wa I went ahead. Except I'd missed the slot and our surgery refused to give out anymore as the emergency phase was over!!

As you know from my post before Christmas, I came down with a cold (I can honestly say I don't think it was swine flu thanks!!), maybe this was to do with the fact that I'd finished work early and therefore even though I had loads to do at home, my body decided that because I was on a break to stop working!

Before leaving for the inlaws, I wasn't the only ill one, Car developed a high temperatures 2 days before going up.
So high that even Calpol didn't bring it down, so high that she came into our bed and was so hot to the touch that I kept on putting cold compresses on her body. My poor baby, it wasn't nice. But thankfully while looking for another medicine to give her I remembered seeing these videos (below) and gave her some Ibuprofen (Neurofen for Children).

Her temperature did finally come down (and go up, and down, and up!). Poor thing I think she may have been hit with something (don't know whether it was swine or seasonal flu). She managed opening presents on Christmas day, ate no dinner and went back to sleep.

Even in the night, she was having trouble breathing and though Neurofen kept her temperature down the only way we could desnuffle her was to plug in a Karvol vaporiser. Now I remember my mum opening Karvol and putting it on my bed when I was little but the vaporiser is even better.

It's easy to use and you just snap it into the plug and then plug it in. The pack comes with 3 refills and each refill lasts up to three nights. The vaporiser is also child-locked as when you lock the refill into place it locks the vaporiser preventing little hands from opening it. The vapour that it releases contains a blend of aromatic oils, cinnamon, menthol and pine. The smell is delicious and after having it on for 1 night the smell started to perfused around the house. And it works!!

 So if your child comes back from school tomorrow or Friday with the sniffles then you know what to do.

Karvol retails at £6.53 at Boots  whilst Neurofen for Children costs £3.56 (available in Strawberry and Orange!)


This post is a review post as I was sent the Karvol to test out. All opinions given are my own!
