Early to bed, early to rise / Late to bed, lie in possible?

... would be a miracle wouldn't it.

Last night, I managed not to fall asleep amid my own dribble on the sofa and stayed up until 1am. And then I got up at 7am! Is 6 hours sleep enough? Probably not but apparently I don't need the sleep because I am mum, I am house cleaner, I am money bringer, I am wife.... BOLLOCKS to that. I have a snotty nose, the washing up needs doing, the washing needs doing, the house needs a clean, I need a clean, kids need dressing and I want to sleep.
I thought I'd fed and watered the two terrors, but I've just had demands of I'm hungry from Car (seems to be her new 'in' phrase at the moment) so I will have to get up and make more breakfast soon (they have had bowl of cereal, and bowl of yogurt already but apparently not enough).
I know that apparently we are in a partnership and he does pull is weight (well sometimes) but am so fed up of the getting up everyday with the kids. And then its only when I moan and really moan does he get up with them. Its not hard mate, I do it all the time. And it shouldn't be a chore they're your kids too!!

I've just realised that this is a bit of a rant and am so sorry about that. I will get better in a minute when I've had my coffee.

Hope your weekend has a better start than mine. I am going to stop feeling sorry for myself in a minute and go storm it all. Then I will make him get up and we will do a fun thing whether he likes it or not!!!

