DUPLO - a review

You must have all noticed by now the lovely badge that I have on the top left of my blog - you haven't well go on look - there no, up a bit.

Anyway we at the BNM household were asked last year whether we would like to be DUPLO experts and as Car is always trying to steal Bel's Lego we thought why not.

So, we were sent the two lovely sets below -

Which if you can't tell from my lovely picture of the boxes are the:

Farm Nursery  and the Big Tractor. They are both lovely packs with the farm nursery also including lots of animals,even though Neb couldn't work out what the horse was for ages. I mean it looks like a horse doesn't it!
Car's reaction to the Duplo was fantastic. Luckily she had been given a big box of Duplo for Christmas from my godmother.  So the Farm sets worked well with the town that she made out of this. Also, being a girl she just doesn't use Duplo as you and I may use it - Oh no, we have Duplo shops (where she sells it too you ), Dolly plays Duplo (where the Duplo people are the dolly's babies!). She even saw the website with me just now and what I got was "Look, Duplo Them and them and them". Me thinks that she has caught the building bug!
Before you all think poor Bel, don't worry about it - her Lego fits on the Duplo so the girls play together nicely without arguments.

So, if you need a present for anyone, you can look no further than Duplo - it can be played with in many ways!


This product has been sent to us as part of being a Duplo Expert. The product was therefore reviewed and all opinions given about the product are mine.
