Books - 1 down...

So, as you all know one of my many challenges to myself is to (try) and read more books by the time I'm 40.

I have started and to be honest am quite disappointed in my first choice.

I have finished "Catcher in the Rye" and even though it is the book that was labelled as controversial and full of teenage angst, I found it quite boring. I won't go into the details of the book here (just in case you want to read it) but its the story of Holden Caulfield, a young boy who has been expelled from yet another school.

I think if I'd read the book when I was younger, it may have had more impact on me - but now - its a no. At least I can say I've read it now - one less book to do. I did though manage to catch a film the other night which featured the book. The film (Conspiracy Theory) was better!

The good thing about not liking this book though is that Neb took pity on me and bought me a new one to read which is fantastic!!

So, I am now in the middle of this book:

And even though its not on the list - I'm loving it!!

