The bane of my life

*not this one this is a Bane

The bane of my life is the hair on the heads of Bel and Car. 

I will put my hands up now and confess that I am crap at doing hair. 

I have thick hair which will do what it wants - and to be honest even if it doesn't I tend to put it in a loose bun type thing (you know, low ponytail, turned round and then tucked in....don't know, don't ask, its what I've always done.) I used to have mega curly hair which as my hair has grown as changed to wavy hair. It has been straightened once (by the hairdressers). I would say, I don't own a pair of hair straighteners but I do and I've never used them (to Neb's annoyance seeing as their a Christmas present!).

Anyway, as usual, I digress... 

The girls both have fine hair. Which obviously to be presentable has to be brushed every morning. And have a parting.

I can do the brushing - just.. the girls hate me doing it as they're both full of tangles in the morning. Tomorrow should hopefully be different, thanks to the tweet for help that I sent out earlier:

So, I have some Princess spray - and I am ready for hair brushing.

There is just one more thing.... how do I do partings?

