I like driving in my car

..'cept I can't!

You see him indoors as been nagging me about passing my driving test so then he could find a job and I could do the school run (go figure!).

But as I've pointed out to him, its not that simple. I have tried my test several a few times before (don't ask how many!) and I'm not that confident in the car - even less confident after being in the car crash when Car was small.

But then it got me thinking, maybe I should try my test again, get a car (maybe this one:

 and then sort myself out some car insurance and drive off with the kids...(obviously I would come back!)

But its the cost (as usual) that is keeping me from not doing it and even with cheap car insurance it is still expensive.

And even with the costs, I still wonder,should I go ahead and take that plunge...


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