The Lie In

I know you all think that I'm obviously dreaming this occurrence because I can hear you think hasn't she got a 7yo and a 3 yo but let me explain:

Sometime, on a good day (ie a weekend) this happens. It is the stuff of myths and legends and will only happen when the blue moon rises against the red sun*.

I awake to the sound of tiny footsteps running and then scrambling into my bed. I peer at the clock and it says  9.30am . Next, the pound of a cat as it hits the bed. Then, silently another child creeps in to the room and onto the bed. Room is beginning to be at a premium and then the last cat saunters in and climbs on to my head. So, the lie in has emerged to be a pile on. I am squished and squeezed and damned nearly falling off the bed. This is what lie ins have become, not the lie ins of my youth and student years (where it was common to be in bed past 2pm!) but now the lie ins of a mother who knows that the real reason ones furred and child folk are here ....



*yes the author of this blog has gone nuts!
