Bramble Rambling

Image: Tom Curtis /

Last weekend, I decided to take the girls blackberry picking. I love picking blackberries and also love eating them only when they are well washed though. I have a memory as a young girl of picking blackberries with my mum and gran (as well as picking field mushrooms). My gran (my dad's mum ) used to make the best apple and blackberry pies due to her having cold hands for the pastry (that is what mum used to say anyway!), though she did make the pastry in a huge farmhouse kitchen which was warmed by an aga so I guess it can't be that cold there!

Car and Bel were very excited to be going blackberry picking, so off we went armed with an old stork tub.  At first we were unsure if we'd find any but then lo and behold we found many. Many of the brambles were though next to stinging nettles and Car kept on saying Next time, daddy come too and he pick them  - poor Neb we will have to cover him so he doesn't get stung.

Both girls loved it though Car had a funny idea about what to do with bad one. She was throwing them on the path and stamping on them. If you followed the trail you'd find us that day.

When we got home I decided that out would come my cooking book again and I would try to make a crumble. Thankfully even I couldn't get this wrong and after following the recipe, which is this one, luckily as it is classed as easy.

So for your viewing pleasure - here is the crumble:


And you know what it was bloody gorgeous, even though bless Car the blackberries were a bit on the sour side and she did pull a few faces before deciding not to eat any more. Success!!

