The why's of parenting?

  • Why is it, when both kids are outside playing is the tv not switched off and its only after half an hour that you realise its Peppa Pig
  • Why is it, when I need the toilet at the supermarket that I go to the baby loo and then realise mid-stream that both children are not with me!
  • Why, when both kids go to bed late do they then wake up at the normal time!
  • Why is it that both my kids know when I have been eating chocolate surreptiously
  • Why is it that when they were both toddler and quiet you knew its because they were up to something (like putting sudocream everywhere) but now you yearn sometimes for quiet days!
Do you have any why's to share?


PS I am currently not here, but know that you all would miss my madness so 'lo through the power of the techiness !
