The I should know better post

So the kids are away, and last night we went out.

What I thought was going to be a quiet night in the pub turned into a drinking extravaganza involving Karaoke!

After lots of these:

and then one of these:

(yes, it is a Jaegerbomb never had one before but it was nice! but I downed it so it went quick)

and then some Midori cocktail and some singing (not me, no the BNM does not sing unless its at home to the cats!)

While out I met 2 women who at first I though were a lesbian couple.. well you would have done too, one had mohican and tattoos and the other was a pretty blonde. They in fact aren't and both are separate married and have a multitude of kids. They made my evening and made me feel welcome and hopefully many more nights of debauchery will follow..

Tonight, hopefully will be a quiet one with pizza and TV, because even though great fun was had, I'm tired and the lucozade -coke hangover cure isn't working!


Moral of story - don't drink on a work night, don't go for a quiet drink to pub and remember your not that young any more and you need your sleep.
