Award Catch up Part 2

Hello, me again , Neb out , Bel playing with a friend and Car is feeling a bit poorly so we (hmm maybe not me) are watching Peppa Pig (AGAIN!!). If you have a Peppa Pig fanatic in your house - because you know I do - why don't you tootle on down to Morrison's and get a three pack of Peppa Pig DVD's for £6.99. It's fantastic 32 episodes of Peppa Pig.. never will I have to sky plus it again.

Right, so why am I posting twice in one day- well I have a backlog of Awards and memes so seeing as they are all out, I thought i'd try and catch up - I may even vlog tonight as Neb is off out (gonna be rolling lots of R's for you!!)

Anyway I've been awarded two awards from Beth @It's My Good Life.And then again by Foodie Mummy
Now I thought I'd been given one of them before but after checking back it seems like I haven't so here they both are.

As part of accepting this award I have to tell you another 7 things about me and pass it on to 15 bloggers.. so here goes:
- My birthday falls on Bastille Day and when I used to go on french exchange visits with school I used to get spoiled with fireworks and all (obviously not just for me!)
- My dad is Tom Jones - yeah right - he is but not the real one!
- After realising I was becoming a grown up as I'm interested in this hung business I have since acted like a kid by licking the yoghurt pot clean and bounced on the bed with my children.
- I need to change the picture of me on my blog as I don't look like that all of the time - that was taken last summer after being made up by a friend! Normally my hair looks like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards
- I share one thing in common with Foodie Mummy but I'm not telling you what it is
- I love cooking and need to right more of my recipes down, those which have been written down are here
- I can knit, well I can cast on, lose some stiches, knit and then leave it sitting there for ages unfinished.

Now I have to tag 15 of you but as Car seems to have filled her nappy I will send this out to all of you who comment on my blogs.



  1. I'm intrigued about the Foodie Mummy connection, what could it be? you met your partners at fast food outlets? You both speak french? You share something in common with me, my hair is totally misbehaving all the time but I can't seem to put it on the naughty step! My son told me today I need to make my hair pretty, and here's the thing I didn't think it was that bad. Ok, so the new plan is I become rich and famous and have a live in hairdresser.

  2. I don't think even Foodie Mummy knows that I share a commonality (is that a word) with her!


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