Pass the Pills Please

I spoke to a close friend last night - actually she is proably one of my bestest friends as well as being the godmother to one of my children. And as I was talking to her drinking my wine, she asked that all important question:

"When you have kids, how do you ever get drunk"

She explained that since having her daughter, little E, she'd get to a point and remember that she would probaly have to get up in morning and stop drinking. I mentioned that obviously she had just turned into a lightweight after breastfeeding for so long but she said that she knew she had to get up early in the morning so what was the point!

And then I told her - "You just have to drink through it, get drunk, let your hair down and then get up in the morning, normally really early with the worse head possible and say never again!"

And that folks is what I did last night, I'm now up drinking coke, watching kids tv which is annoying with a  hangover. I also feel a little bit sick but as its Saturday am gonna have to get a grip and do things.

I remember the time, when in uni- we could do drink get drunk and then get up for lectures (well OK, to those who know me maybe I didn't always get up for the 9 o clock ones but I would get up eventually!)
Its just these days with a shift in our priorties that its normally not worth it, is it worth feeling poo all day and not being able to help and play with our children? Is it worth, facing down a tantruming two year old when you are feeling sick and just want to climb back under the duvet? The answer, NO yet there are times when you just need to get drunk and do it.
Last night I did, and do I regret it ... ummm well not at the moment but when Car decides to throw a tantrum later on you may find that I've climbed back under the duvet with a sick bucket!



  1. For me it is less the fear of not being able to cope the next day and more the memory that the last time I got drunk (a decade ago) I ended up pregnant.

    That sort of long term hangover I am not risking a second time.

    I love my son to bits, but one Chianti baby is enough for anybody LOL.

  2. i am in the middle. i will still have a good time and drink, but have to be in bed by 1am or i start to get very nervous. The worse is when you collapse in bed, drunk, so so tired, and hear the familiar wail from the room next door. ugh!

  3. It always seems like a good idea at the time, doesn't it?

    I didn't drink much when mine was small - for that very reason. But now that he's old enough to fend for himself.....I'll have a drink or two or three....

  4. ..or 4 or 5 or I dunno how many last night!! oops!!BNMx

  5. I just do not even bother to drink anymore. I seem to have an inability to get drunk now, so I pass the enjoyable stage and just get a hangover - not fair! Mich x

  6. I remember a friend telling me, before I had my daughter, that she hadn't drunk more than two glasses in one night for 18 years in case she had to drive one of her children to the hospital in the night. I am now the same, two glasses only, may have to drive to hospital in the night - luckily have never had to do so, but you never know.

  7. This was me yesterday too - and the annoying thing was that I was being quite careful in the amount I drank on Friday night, I was really tame compared to the old me - but of course I spent most of the day puking into the toilet and generally feeling like death.
    I am seriously considering giving up alcohol because it's not worth it especially when Little L who is normally a great sleeper woke at 5am.
    Then again I always say that, will I ever learn?

  8. @ Working Mum - I don't drive so guess I'm lucky there - I guess if the girls were feeling ill though we wouldn't drink

    @ Patchwork Bird - oh yes definately tamer than old uni me when used to go out drink, throw up and then drink some more. (OOPS!) I don't get drunk at home that often but sometimes you just need to. I guess if I could go out and come home with the girls somewhere else then it could get worse


  9. We can't all be sensible all of the time. Happily.

  10. mmm, I am on one of those plans tonight after a very long day in work trying to help sort out someones else cock-up, late home by nearly 2 hours, and then finding my plants in the garden gone. Needless to say DH is now out getting a curry as I am on cooking strike, and some cider for me and I dont care, I will think about the repurcussions tomorrow!! I also think that E's mother is just far too sensible! Was she always like this, let me cast my mind back.............


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