
Yes, this is a hair ball and no I don't think the cats have them.
I have a small problem with Car. I have long hair and I do tend to moult quite often . This may due to the fact I've not had a haircut for about 2 years!! Anyway Car loves putting hair in her mouth and eating it. It doesn't matter if its a handful of hair from my head (thanks) or a bit she has picked up from the floor, sofa.. anywhere really.

 Does anyone else out there have a child who does this, and does anybody know if its any good for them. I remember my mum telling me off for eating my own hair when I was 7 telling me I'd get hairballs! But is hairballs an urban myth for getting children not to do something. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.



  1. How old is she? This is quite common in younger children and they usually grow out of it. It can be different things and I do know a toddler who LOVES hair and uses the family hairbrush like a lollipop and has a great time chewing away:) If you are concerned speak to your family Dr. Jen.

  2. Jen: She is 2. I'm going to have to move the hairbrush now because using it as a lollipop is gross!

  3. My youngest used to love playing with my hair and it would be the only way he would go to sleep, twidling my hair in between his little fingers. He grew out of it, never wanted to eat it. Sorry I am absolutely no use on this, but lol at the hairbrush as a lollipop!

  4. Not sure if you remember my little mans obssession with hair, his is either stroking his own or anyone (and I mean anyones!) nearby!. My mum always told me not to eat my hair as it would eventually get tangled round my inners! Sure this can't be true.

  5. There is just no end to the things that toddlers will eat. No hairball eating around here, but plenty of other random things have been consumed and/or tasted (i.e. rocks, legos, poop, grass, dead lizards, books, toenails, etc.)

  6. I'm sure it's just something she'll grow out of of....but (not to scare you) but there is a condition called Pica (I think) where there is the compulsion to eat odd things, hair, ice, dirt, etc. Maybe talk to the peditrician, just to be sure?


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