What's in a name?

A name is defined as according to the Chambers Free Online English Dictionary :

 name noun 1 a word or words by which an individual person, place or thing is identified and referred to 

Now if you follow my blog you will see that last week was delurk week (thank you to everyone that delurked!) and while reading the comments received I was shocked to see this comment (you'll have to click it to make it big):

I can say though that the person who left this comment has since tweeted me and explained that she wasn't trying to offend it was just her sense of humour!

After getting offended I did realise that (after checking my stats) many people do come here to look for porn! I am sorry to disappoint you and to those who don't know I shall once again tell you why I gave myself this name.

I had been reading some blogs for a time and realised that having a catchy name would pull readers back time and time again, like I was pulled back to the blogs that I started to read. So there I was about to plunge into (not like that) the unknown world of blogging and I realised that I needed a name. Now I may ( as I mentioned here) have been listening to the radio and heard bare naked ladies (but I may not have been soo can't remember that far back now!), and then my brain started to work in mysterious ways (the way it tends to do) and thought hmm barenakedmummy.
Now to me the bare naked bits aren't about showing my flesh to anyone but about baring my all, my feeling, my inner thoughts and letting myself be 'naked' and not hide anything. 

I can see that my name may be controversial but hey I have red hair and am Welsh - do you need any more explanations!

As Gloria said  "I am what I am"

I am what I am
I am my own special creation -  my dad always said I was 'special'
So come take a look  - but I won't be naked unless this is what you want to see
Give me the hook or the ovation - follow me
It's my world
That I want to have a little pride in
My world
And it's not a place I have to hide in - I'm so not hiding here!!
Life's not worth a damn
Till you can say
I am what I am -  which is Barenakedmummy or BNM!

I shall leave you now with Gloria's dulcet tones and hope that I haven't upset you with my non-nakedness!

