I'm not a glamorous granny...


How are you all - is it hot and sticky enough for you? Have you managed to find any breeze anywhere yet or is it fans on and cold beer all round!

We went down to the village next to ours carnival fun day yesterday. Its the village that Bel's school is in and we used to live there so its a fun day to go to. As every year, everything was free which is good for us!
There was:
  • free face painting: Bel became a butterfly and Car screamed and refused
  • free pony rides: Bel rode the biggest one and Car screamed and refused to ride blossom the pony!!
  • free bouncy castles : Bel bounced to her hearts content and Car screamed and refused.
Can you see the pattern of our afternoon yet!! We tried to get her to run a race (girls under 4) as she loves to run and it was in the village field but she clung on to my leg and screamed!!!

The community team (who organised the carnival) did manage to console her once when they gave her a free ice pop and us free beer (everyone gets one!!) but apart from that she winged.

She even moaned when I entered one of the competitions...there was three being judged all the same time:
Beautiful baby, glamorous gran and best knobbly knees. Can you guess which one I went for.....yes knobbly knees. Now my knees aren't that knobbly but as no one else entered I won by default - definitely worth the bottle of beer.

Anyway here are my winning knees (freckles and all!!)



  1. He he, reminds me of the time my daughter really wanted to get on the stage at the panto. She put her hand up and was going mad - until they picker her. Then she clung too me like her life depended on it! And, those are lovely knees - you shouldn't have been allowed to enter!

  2. Next year will be different - I think they all go through that. Glad you had fun (apart from the screaming) and you have lovely knees!

  3. I thought that it was a pic of your daughter's knees! -HMx

  4. Hot? I got soaked yesterday in the Lake District? :)

    btw Nice knees!

  5. Thank you everyone for the comments about my knees - far too lovely to be knobbly but always up for a laugh and free beer!!!

  6. Cold and rainy here *sigh* i long for summer.


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