Let's take a trip to fairy woods....

Take my hand, hold tight, close your eyes can you see it yet....

You have to be quiet, calm your breathing down and relax.. you can see it .. are the fairies there in their circle...let them take your hand and they'll sprinkle the sleepy dust on you. Can you feel it hitting your cheeks, sparkling in your hair...hush now darling.. sleep will be easier now....


Bel used to suffer from horrendous night terrors. She used to sit bolt upright in her bed and scream, thrash, kick, slap and sometimes wet the bed. It was awful, a time when not even a mummy could calm her. I would sit with her - try not to wake her and wait for the moment to pass - moments that took hours to work their way out. It was not an easy time seeing my little girl so upset and not knowing why. Sometimes she'd wake up and stare through me and scream horrible things about hating us.

After reading a lot about it on the web, we realised that what she was experiencing was 'normal' and tried to figure a way through it. I tried talking to her about her day at school before bed but as mothers (and fathers) of all know that is like getting blood out of stone. She did some share somethings that had upset her about older boys that we managed to work out and for a while it stopped. Counting chickens before they are hatched is not a good idea though and they started again - so thinking of other calming methods I started fairy woods.


Fairy woods a place to calm you and let you sleep in peace - I would sit on the side of her bed and ask Bel to close her eyes and imagine it. I'd let her explain what she could see and ask if the fairies were out yet. When she would tell me that she could see them - I'd ask her what they were doing and she would always say dancing. I told her that if she went up to them she would be able to get sprinkled with fairy dust and would help her sleep all through the night. It worked and it still works but now fairy wood is a bit more complicated than when I first started it....


.... there is now a dragon (friendly), a castle with magical rooms - a library full of books, a kitchen which you can walk into and the food you imagine pop onto the table, a steam train (Bel is licensed to drive) that runs from Fairy Wood Station all the way through the Beldom, a pirate ship for swashbuckling fights, a troll for beating up and many other things.....

I love my Bel and her imagination and the fact that night terrors are now firmly in her past.



  1. That is lovely and will bear that in mind. My friend (who believes in such things) says a triangle of rose quartz stones should be put under the mattress. My sister has tried this with her little one and so far it has worked.

  2. I use the BFG as in the Big Friendly Giant, I select the pages with the nice pictures of him with Sophie and then when we have terrors over the blind moving as the window is open at night, we sit very quietly so as not to scare the BFG away who is blowing nice dreams in through the window, it seems to work!


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