What not to do when home alone

Thursday night is pool night (no not mine, I'm mummy no social life,Neb's! - go figure how he gets to have a night out what I pay for and I don't but hey!)
Anyway, Thursday night (tonight) is when I get to catch up on my blog reader (if I haven't done all week!), blog, twitter and call friends.
I have been on Twitter briefly tonight but I've spent most of evening after Neb went out on phone!! I have a earache now and for some reason my nose has gone a bit blocked up!
I've been on the phone to :
  • G1 (Bel's godmother, my b/f from uni) and organised seeing her and her family at the end of our camping trip in August (it has been decided by me!). She rang me and after getting over the your on hands free as I'm doing some housework dilemma (really, WHY!) we spoke for about 40mins.
  • SuperLittleMen for 65mins - my phone bill - ouch - were we discussed many irrelevant subjects and her husbands (now dh - not dickhead!) amusing ability to be a completely Banana when she was on phone - impressions galore!
  • G2 (Bel's other godmother - one of my friends from school - where she bullied discussed  us going on smaller camping trip before bigger one to get used to tent. My idea closer than hers but will need to talk to Neb about it! I have literally been off the phone for 5 mins!!

I love them to bits but G2 is amazed that I still have a voice never mind only an ear ache!

I've also managed to drink half a bottle of cider (the small ones) but I think I've sweated most of it out as its so sticky in this darn house!

Night all!


  1. We all know I'm not one to chat on the phone but....isn't it wonderful to connect with some that you just don't get to chat with as much? Hope you have a wonderful time on your camping trips! When are your going? And how long can we expect you to be gone?

  2. So, which campsite did you choose or have I missed that post/tweet? By the way, just voted in your poll!

  3. @Dotterel - see you got over excited didn't you - I forgot to post where we were off!!

    @Gigi - we'll be off for a week but please vote on poll!!


  4. I get that sore ear too, very annoying. Glad you made it to the blog though and didn't forget about us :) Jen

  5. lol, i noticed my phone was saying 5 minutes at the end of the call, it obviously resets after an hour! DH has just informed me that as we are with sky our landline calls are free (he's kept that one tucked away now hasnt he?), so next time I'll ring you back!

  6. I hate that phone ear ache, thats why I try to stay off the thing!!


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