Bedtime Stories 2

You'll know from the last Bedtime Stories post that I wrote that we had a problem with reading non sleepy books at bedtime. Well I think, eventually we have this cracked. But know we have to read the same book over and over again!!AAGH.
It all started with a Poppy Cat loves Rainbows book that we started reading her. This is the book she now has to have in bed with her!! Car now knows all the words to the book and depending on her level of tiredness will join in.

Poppy Cat Loves Rainbows

Now as this Poppy Cat book has been so favoured on off I went to look for more Poppy Cat books. So with the help of other people's reviews on Amazon I sent off for this:
Poppy Cat's Dream

This is a fantastic book and if you have a child who loves pop-ups, finding people (bear has gone missing and he can be found on most pages!) then this is the book for you. Unfortunately for us, this is going to be the book that we read more than once every night, it was read twice last night by me and then twice by Neb. I have even read it this morning.....

On another book note - Bel loves to read but she also loves us to read to her. As she is getting older and has a very active imagination (I will write a post on fairy woods soon!) we have started to read books to her that have less pictures but lots of jokes. Our current book is : Sir Gadabout goes to knight school

This is a very funny book and has jokes for adults as well as children in it. Sir Gadabout is a useless knight who doesn't know how to do knightly things apart from running away!! Having got the picture (off amazon) I noticed that it was also made into a tv show - will have to go and youtube it for Bel later!! Both Bel and myself and Neb love the book with many jokes making us stop reading and laugh our socks off.

Hope you get time to share your favourite books with us below. If not have a read of these ones.


  1. Our most favourite book at the moment is "We're going on a bear hunt" We read this nearly every night and in fact I ended up buying our own copy after I kept having to tell the librarian to hold onto it for us after Ollie decided he couldn't bear to part with it.
    We also love "Dear Zoo", "Jack in a Box", "My mum" and "My dad". As tedious as it is to read the same book over and over again, I just love that Ollie has favourites and am so glad to have passed my love of books onto him.

  2. Glad you got the badge sorted and thanks for the wishes xxx

  3. What great parents you are to be fostering a love of reading in your girls (even if you must suffer through the repetition). It's a wonderful gift that will last them a lifetime.

  4. One of Elf's fav books du jour is Tiger Ways, no idea of the author, it's a library book. He said today he would like to live in a cave, I said Is that a tiger way? He replied yes. He had that book out a few weeks ago! - HMx

  5. We love Aliens love underpants - Both of mine love to look at the pictures as it's so well illustrated.

  6. Never underestimate the power of repetition. Kids love it.

    Most of what I read with mine is in Dutch, but they do love "Aliens love underpants" and Peter Pan when my husband reads to them.


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