Friday Flip Offs

Having gained new blogs to read is fun - but I think I may need to cull some as really my reader was so damn full yesterday. Anyway, one of the new blogs I now follow and read is Pumpkin and Piglet. This is the blog of Baby and Baking, except due to Operation Yummy Mummy the baking has had to be put to one side and done on the weekends.

Anyway on a Friday, she takes part in a meme (don't ask me how you say it - some say its like dream, I tend to say it like a lamb MEEEM!") and as its meant to relieve you of any stress pre weekend I thought I'd take part.
The creator of the meme says the following about it: "is my way of ridding myself of weekday angst and frustration before heading into the weekend. I virtually flip off whoever is on my last nerve. It’s very cathartic. The theory is that I don’t take anything out on my husband and kids, although the jury’s out on that.
Join in the fun! Don’t spend your weekend stewing over the little people and annoying situations that got to you this week! But please, if you link up, show me some love via text link or using the photo, yo."

Friday FlipOffs is bought to you by Kludgy Mom, the letter O and A, the colour blue and lellow!

1) Flip Off  weather - we had gorgeous warm nights and then after pitching the tent to air it we have had storms, rain and wind! It would be nice if sometime over the weekend, we could manage to get it down and packed pre going on holiday.

2) Flip Off Facebook Fairy - my work colleague who is stressing because she is too busy yet is on FB all bloody day. Get on with getting the new job that you are moaning about and leave me the flip aloneFli

3) Flip Off Headache -  look I had a few drinks on Wednesday for my birthday and I know that I was feeling bad on Thursday but really do not need to have this damn headache again!!

4) Flip Off Girls - Yes, the holidays have now started  and yes I do love you but please can we at least stay calm in the car on the way home for me. Neither me or your dad need you screaming on the top of your lungs - even if you are very happy. Please leave your poor mum alone and give her some peace before she tackles the housework!!

Anyway I'm off to link this up!

School's Out here today so hope to god that my kids behave.


  1. I love pumpkin and piglet too. Glad you are joining the party. Headaches and screaming kids don't mix well. I hear ya there girl. I normally do the FFOs too, but am mixin it up with fri favs today. Hope this helps ya have a better weekend.

  2. I'm so glad you joined in! Friday Flip Off's is my favourite meme (I have no idea how to pronounce it either!) and one that I rarely miss doing, it's fun! The weather has been driving me mad too, I wish it would make up it's mind.

    And, wow, thanks for the shout out! I love finding new blogs to read too and I'm been enjoying yours, I'm so glad we've 'met' :D

  3. Don't cull meeeee!
    (Feeling a bit needy - sorry.)

  4. I really don't like when people spend time on FB when they should be working. But, for that person to get the job....Arrrgh!

  5. Hiya! Thanks so much for joining my Friday Flipoffs! So glad you could link up! i have a love hate relationship with FB but coworkers doing that noise would drive me batty. Seriously. Hope you can join in next week again! I'll be back in on the fun!

  6. Pumpkin and Piglet is one of my fave blogger :D Great flips off! Can't believe that coworkers wow. Have a nice weekend :)

  7. Not going to cull any needy blogs at all so no worries there mwa!

    Hi to everyone else...

  8. Are we there yet? Are we there yet? I feel your pain when traveling in the car with kids. My six year has got to be the worse traveler in the country! Is it bad to wish there is a divider in my mumsie mobile between me and my brood?

    Zippy Chix 3

  9. friday's are so freeing when you can flip off sh!t!

    I do some FB stuff, but it's so separate from work and blog. Family and high school friends only. Your co-worker probably needs an intervention!

  10. Pumpkin and Piglet sound right up my alley, must check her out.

    Love the Friday Flip off too.


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