Shoes for you and none for me....

Hi all,

Sorry for the rarity in blogging this week - it has been a bit manic in work but think we are now settling in to a calmer period.
Anyway, I hear you ask, stop moaning about busy times, what have you been doing?

Well, we have been a shoe shopping. Me, personally I hate shopping for shoes as I have ultra wide feet and all the lovely shoes like the Jimmy Choos of this world are not made for my feet. I guess I could describe my feet like wide flippers and if they were big maybe I should buy some clown ones because they would fit.

Anyway, it wasn't for me that we went, it was darling Car who unlike her mother has decided that any kind of shopping is fantastic. Luckily for us, Clarks has bought out a handy 6 step fitting guide to shoe fitting:

Luckily we have a Clarks in the town where I live, and though I haven't seen them use the Length thinygmebob, but they are very good. We still have both the girls first shoes pictures in albums!
Unfortunately for us much as I know that my daughters should be in Clarks shoes - this is not always possible due to money constraints!

So off we went to the other shoe shop in town and came back with a pair of sandals and a pair of trainers for Car. The trainers wouldn't have been my first choice but as soon as we walked in (well I did, she ran!) she saw them - can you guess whose on them .. go on.. guess ....yes we got these:

And they flash too!!

It was really helpful to look at the Clark's guide before going shoe shopping but for stage 6 - do you think it was ok to watch her run and then try and get her back (instead of the walking!!)

Before school starts again in September - we will be going to Clark's to buy their winter shoes but for now these will do!


  1. Wow! Peppa trainers. Cool. I want some - HMx
    PS I still don't check Elf's shoes when they fit him, I am so scared I'll get it wrong, I just let the Clarks assistants!

  2. You have to get them cute shoes - in order to get them properly interested in shoe shopping when they get older! Nice to see you are training them well!

  3. Cute!! Peppa is one coold Pig!


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