Legs or head first

Yes the age old dilemma has reared its head in our house last night. Having met my godmother for lunch on my birthday she being the sweetheart that she is had bought the girls a bag of buttons and a bag of jelly babies.

So, we then had to teach Bel how to properly eat them.

Me, I'm obviously a nice person because I rip their heads off first but Neb is more of a legs man and rips their legs off so they can't escape.....

Bel, unfortunately (or luckily for us) decided she only liked the red ones!!!

Jelly baby anyone.....



  1. Always the head first!! But with gingerbread men I go for the limbs first. I like to watch 'em suffer!

    Angel x
    High Heels & Lipgloss

  2. I ended up eating a whole bag of Jelly babies last night, I love them! I bite the heads off first, then the legs and then finish with the torso!

  3. Nope, I just the whole lot in one go, saves the dilemma of top or tail first! Spot the pig

  4. Has to be legs first, so you can see the expression on their faces :D Jen

  5. Um I thought you just put the whole thing in your mouth? or is that just greedy ole me?! -HMx

  6. I skin them alive. Does that say something terrible about me?


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