Dear So & So... the Friday night edition

Dear husband,
Thank you for finally cutting the grass - I was beginning to wonder if we would ever see out of the windows again. Now that you've done that one (small) job, are you actually thinking of doing the rest??
Your ever weary and nagging wife

Dear Car,
Thank you for deciding to night train yourself but please don't get in a huff now that I want to take your bed protector away. You will be fine. It needs to go....
Yours trying to think of a suitable bribe

Dear Bel,
I know your sister is a pain but please if you could play for her just until I make dinner, wash up, clean house etc I would be grateful.
Your ever loving mum

Dear Outnumbered family
Thank you for making me feel better by having worse kids than mine. I know you are a TV programme but I am forever in your debt.
Yours harassed mum of only 2

Dear Friday night,
You are here and I am happy. Post will get written and I am opening the wine.
Please don't be a stranger.
Yours thirsty and needing

To read more Dear So and so's, visit Kat at her Tots 100, top 10 blog!!

