Holiday Hitler

So, I'm on holiday and so far we've had adventures by the sea and then a home day.

Today, Monday - dependant on weather, I hope to go somewhere for a walk, beach, or even rock pool day.  Then Tuesday again another day out, Wednesday we'll probaly stay local and Thursday will be last minute bits and a day of packing.
And then of course, when we go off on Friday to the cottage. And I've kinda looked into places to go, things to see. I may have been doing this since the holiday got booked. I've been on the web, asking on twitter, asking friends - I love doing it. But, I can't plan what we're doing every day because Neb says that's wrong and we need to relax and go with flow, but I want to see so much, want to see it all (which to be honest I'm probaly not going to do in a week!)

I will of course also be taking a note book and noting everything we've done - and then I can label pictures correctly, and of course tell you all about it!!

Best get off to plan other things to annoy do with the family!!

