Booked .

I tend to get anxious about things.

Words I never thought I'd ever say out loud or write down. But there are things I do get anxious about, and although I never would own up to it I've found that I do and I've found the courage possibly from both my kids and them owning up to their own truths that made me realise its not a bad thing.

Anyway as you know I'm going to London to watch Pulp and I've been anxious as fuck to sort out accommodation because everything in London is really expensive. 

Luckily J has a friend on the outskirts so we are staying with her for a few nights and then this morning over breakfast we found a hotel with breakfast for less than an arm and leg.

One thing done, let's not worry about the five thousand other things in my head



  1. I think some anxiety is normal. It's only when the anxiety cripples you and keeps you from doing things you might enjoy that it becomes a problem. My husband has anxiety that can be crippling but refuses to admit it or find a solution.

    I happy to hear you found some places to stay.

    1. I think owning up to being anxious is a new thing. Not crippling just I know sometimes annoying. I think a lot of it has come from things that happened in the past.

  2. I get anxious about everything. lol
    I hope you have a fab time seeing Pulp. Everywhere seems to cost an arm and a leg at the moment. I was looking at a night away and the prices seem to have shot up. x

    1. Honestly some of the places I'd seen for one night in London were over £300 for one night. I'm sure there will be pictures from Pulp.


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