Writers Workshop : A song that feels like Spring

Enjoyed joining in last week but behind the times due to having a week off but taking part in the prompts again.

 A song that feels like Spring:

 I mean we've had all the seasons here in West Wales recently but the sun seems to finally have arrived (for a short bit anyway) and if the multitude of greeen weeds in my garden are anything to go by, spring is springing into action at last. I mean I wore a jacket out the other day and had to take it off!! If it means I can come out of hibernation properly then so be it. I mean look how blue (ish that sky is). Apparently this week we'll hit a maximum of 15C here in West Wales (I checked thats about 59F)

Anyway the song stuck in my head when it didnt hail last week was the Beatles, Here comes the Sun, a song that makes me think of sunnier Summery vibes.

The other thing that always makes me happy and reminds me that Spring is on its way is this welsh song about Snowdrops  / Lili Wen Fach (translated to Small White Lily) and how they appear from a frozen ground. Its a song that I learnt as a child and thought there was only one verse but I've since realiesed that there are two! 

What song feels like Spring to you? Let me know below



  1. 59F is a ways off from feeling like Spring to me. 70F seems about right for here. But then that quickly gives way to the hot, humid summer temps in the 90's or higher. But yes, Here Comes the Sun does seem fitting for Spring and Summer.

    1. I am so aware that 59F (15) is too cold. But I have no coat on today. Might even get my legs out if this carries on.

  2. I sing Here Comes The Sun a lot when we finally get a break in our rainy seattle weather! :) Great choice!

    1. Ah rain, yes thats forecast here tomorrow - bloody weather :)


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