1000 posts

 It turns out that I've written over a 1000 posts on this blog - this  one will be 1009 which is a lot over the years.

Creator: alexsfoto Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

I was hoping to do a celeberation and a post for the 1000 one but I forgot so if you want to read that one its here

Since returning to blogging, I've written 22 posts - that's 22 times you've had to read what I've written. 

The fact that there are people around reading it is great.

Thank you very much for doing so especially as Google apparently can't find my blog, This is a weird one seeing as I thought Blogger was Google used but I haven't quite worked out why yet. If anyone has any suggestions on that one stick them in the comments below

Being a blogger was always something I used to play down, back at the start I guess I was a mummy blogger although the word makes me cringe now. Now I guess its parenting, Life / Food  or also known as whatever stuff comes out of my head and honestly I just write for me these days. The kids have read the past posts and find the memories funny. 

 I mean reading back some of the old stuff is also very cringey - were you around for this very first  one https://barenakedmummy.blogspot.com/2009/08/bugs-are-back.html  or for the post about my thing for cartoon characters https://barenakedmummy.blogspot.com/2010/04/i-begged-for-this.html

 Anyway have some more random stuff from my head and hooray to 1000 + .. maybe you can all have cake when I reach 2000 




  1. Congrats on the 1000 blog pots. It is quite the achievement.
    That is strange that Google can't find your blog. You would think they would see the blogspot blogs before any others. I have no advice but I hope you get it fixed. x

    1. Thank you and for reading it! I've no idea either am hoping that someone can just tell me. Or I'm going to tweet Blogger

  2. Blogger is a Google product. But I think it has something to do with algorithms (please don't ask me to explain, because I'm not quite sure how to do so). I would think the more you post and the more you are seen/read, the more you will move up in the searches.


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