Left and right...

Photo by Sharan Pagadala: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-persons-hand-8171089/

 Photo by Sharan Pagadala: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-persons-hand-8171089/

It should be basic and something I learnt as a child. 

But I also should have learnt them in Welsh (Chwith a Dde) and I don't know if it's an age thing but I seem to have forgotten which is which.


Which obviosuly is OK in normal worklife but then there's the times when:

1) I'm doing the map reading and I say left when its obviously right!

 2) I'm giving directions to people.... yeah best not ask the random redhead if your anywhere near Aberystwyth

3) I'm playing a computer game and getting confused about the left I need to press.. Oh yeah that left..😂.

 It seems I've also passed the inability to use left and right properly to Afon (sorry) so on the plus side it cant be an age thing can it.

I know  you can do the L thing with your left hand but my brain honestly doesnt think that quick.. please tell me I'm not alone here



  1. You are not alone. I learned my left from my right but my brain sometimes doesn't work quickly enough. I was in the doctors a while ago and the doctor said lift your right arm and I had to do that thing with my left hand to figure out which arm I needed to lift. I reassured the doctor that I just don't work well under pressure. lol x

    1. Glad it's not just me. I thought it was menopause related until Afon said they did it too.

  2. Are you by any chance left handed? I ask because I also have to think about it and a couple of my other left handed friends have the same issue; so I wonder if it has something to do with the way our brains are wired?

    1. Nope right handed. I think I'm just weird


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