Mental Health matters


Photo by Finn on Unsplash
So we all know I'm a strong independent woman and all that jazz, but I know full well that there are days when I am not that great. Work sometimes leads me to huge days of lethargy where I dont want to even consider getting out of bed but you know bills and all that. Also, when these days do come over me, I have been known to take a day off on leave. The pandemic and everything with it made me realise that I need me days too, days where I'm not mum or a colleague. Days when I'm Ffion. Days when sometimes it just means lying in bed all day. Also, burn out is a thing and I wont live forever if that happens.
This week its Mental Health week in the UK and I just wanted to write this to let you ALL know that if you ever need a friend, or a random person to listen then my DM's are open. 
I cant imagine being in so much despair at life that you don't want to be here anymore, but I have unfortunately lost a friend to the hidden disease. She was the bright star of a friend group at one point and was always smiling but looking back now it seems that this was just painted on. Not only was she a mother but a grandmother too but that didnt stop her ending her life. Her death (its been a year) was a shock and still is today.

If your in the UK, the follwing services and organisations are open to you:

The Samaritans offer emotional support 24 hours a day - in full confidence.

Call 116 123 - it's FREE.

Or email


Shout Crisis Text Line

For support in a crisis, Text Shout to 85258.

If you’re experiencing a personal crisis, are unable to cope and need support.

Shout can help with urgent issues such as:

  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Abuse or assault
  • Self-harm
  • Bullying
  • Relationship challenges


Mind offer an information line to answer questions about:

  • types of mental health problem
  • where to get help
  • drug and alternative treatments
  • advocacy.

Call the Mind infoline on 0300 123 3393 (UK landline calls are charged at local rates, and charges from mobile phones will vary considerably). Or email






  1. Sending hugs; I've also lost a friend to suicide. It's truly awful to think she was in such a dark place and couldn't find it in her to reach out.


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Hello everyone, please leave me a comment because you know I go mad(der!) if you dont