Cluck, Cluck, Cluck

God, no not me, Neb he's so damn broody.

On Friday evening we went to visit my brother R, and his wife S and their new born baby, little N. She was born 3 weeks ago and even though I was meant to visit earlier this is the first time I've seen her. She is so small (compared to my big 9lb2 girs). I mean I held her and everything but didn't feel any sign of broodiness at all.
Neb held her and you could see this smile appearing on his face, and he was all coochy coo and everything!! S my sister in law, looked at him and then looked at me and said he's broody! Oh great.

Yesterday we went to Morrisons and saw some old friends who used to work with Neb.  They are newlyweds (last summer) and are lovely people. I knew that B was pregnant but didn't realise how pregnant she was with 2 weeks left. M and B are both Itlalian and B has a lovely neat bump and Neb again got excited about their imminent arrival. B on the other hand asked me for details about my labours and I told her I'd tell her afterwards. Neb was so happy to see them, especially when I said afterwards to Neb that I'd got some  boy clothes in my drawer (I'd had a dream that R was having a boy -and I was wrong!!), they know they're having a boy and we will visit them when they've had him.

So, Neb is broody and me I'm so not. My girls are lovely but now that Neb is working for a friend on weekends again I feel like I could kill them. My lie ins have gone - so not only by Saturday am I knackered form working a full week, I have to look after two girls who are now in the habit of shouting at each other, ignoring me, and as unhelpful as you can get it. Neb says I'm too hard on them but I need to be the mother and not have Bel repeat everything I say to Car and for Car to listen to her and then ignore me.

The house is a mess and I really cannot be arsed. I'm longing to be me, to be allowed to have a lie in, to forget I have children for a day. Neb goes out once a week (pool) and me, well if I ask I get the "If you have to" moan. Excuse me for even bothering! And then he moans and goes off with the comment "Well you're gonna have fun today girls because Mummy's in a bad mood again"

I do not need that from him. Really!

So when I was thinking that life was getting better, I was obviously so wrong.

There's only one thing I can hope for, "Beam me up Scottie" (or doubting that lets get drunk!!)



  1. Poor thing, I get the 1 lie in a week and sometimes I think that's grudgingly, & its never beyond 9am, oh well. Do not go having another baby though to pls Neb! You have 3 kids already, once I realised this & treated DH as an older child, he responded better & life became easier! We must plan a picnic xx.

  2. @SuperLittleMen spoke to little Miss E's mum and hoping (fingers crossed) to plan a piss up in September. By then it may be much needed but down in London in August so maybe then??


  3. With your girls at the ages they are - this is probably the hardest time to be a mom (at least for me it was - so far anyway....). Even if he moans about it - take the time for yourself anyway - you need it. You deserve it. The older they get, it will get easier - I promise

  4. I feel the same way at the moment I have a baby refusing to take a bottle so constantly hanging off my boob, a toddler who is obsessed with me and is like my little shadow, a crazy dog that is also obsessed with me and screams the house down if I leave her behind, a husband who is working all hours so we never see him and can't help much at weekends as he is recovering from a busy week at work. The house is a tip and i can't even get blind drunk as i am BF! nightmare! Also you are working full time so you are even busier than I am! its pants but i am sure it will get better as the kids get older. Lets hope anyway!!

  5. Sounds good to me, and yes we are around August, will def meet up xo

  6. Lie in what is that? I remember college daze but this parenting lark is a whole other kettle of fish. I get woken by a dirty nappy baby planted on my head or crawling over my boobs, or a toddler who elbows me in some very non elbow friendly locations. Anyway a lie in is but a distant dream!

  7. Oh, I was feeling just like that on Saturday, only I'm seven months pregnant - woops! I hope you feel better soon. Don't let his broodiness get to you, though.

  8. You deserve a week of lie-ins! OK that's not possible, but just one a week helps doesn't it? - HMx

  9. Its not getting worse, its getting normal...totally, I swear. When they're a bit older, when Car is 6 or so, you'll get a few extra winks in the mornings. In all seriousness, you DO need time to just be you, not just mum and wife...I learned the hard way, totally lost myself in who I was, still am having trouble figuring that one out. Have a sit down with dear hubby and tell him, flat out "I need some ME time". Doesn't matter what it is, a walk, a movie, a lunch with friends, whatever. A few hours once a week is not too much to ask for yourself. In the long run, it benefits everyone, not just you.


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