Pillow Talk

I am trying to spend more time with Bel after Car goes to bed. When Neb is out in his Welsh class we have been doing things like cooking, playing educational games on the pc and also playing the Wii.
Last night she asked to spend mummy and me time and to be honest I was knackered so instead of doing anything we lay together on her bed and had a chat.
These are the things I found out - her best friend is J not C anymore as C has declared that she doesn't want to be friends. This has upset her because C keeps on saying it so I've told her to tell C that she doesn't want to be her friend either!
S (boy) in her class is lush but not her boyfriend as he is J(Y2) but J has another girlfriend (Sa)who he is going to marry!! Apparently they have held hands (!!) but not kissed (thank god!!). She is not impressed that J has another girlfriend and asked what to do! I told her to play the field and get another boyfriend (well she may as well start now!!).
I wonder if this is the kinda conversation I'm gonna have with her when she hits her teenage years or will it not be cool to talk to your mother by then. But boyfriends at 6! REALLLY!!



  1. Marie has had the same boyfriend since the year before she started school (that would be 4 years ago!). Apparently he is heart broken that we are moving and was crying (as per his mother). So he asked her if they could talk to each other guess where. On Facebook! They grow up way way way too fast! Facebook at age 7?

  2. They do grow up so very fast these days. It's actually sad to see them want to lose their childhood so soon. I think if you keep those lines of communication open then you will still be having those conversations when she's older.


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