Wait a Wee Minute

Yes, this is a problem I seem to be having.
Lately, when I need to go wee I NEED TO GO. And if I don't then a wee bit (sorry bad pun!) will come out.

OMG, Do I need to get some incontinence pads - you know the ones that you see advertised on tv. Like these ones:

Is this something that happens to me - because I'm in my 30s and have two kids. Have I not done enough pelvic floor exercise. Do I need to get some grown up nappy's (diapers!)

I wonder if I'm the only one that has this problem - please let me know that I'm not alone. I'm really worried that I'm going to have to be one of those ladies that need to wee every 5mins.  It seems to happen when I laugh, or if I'm doing the washing up. And as you know trying to rush upstairs if your being shouted at is not an easy chance - give me a second and I'll be there now are not sentences my daughters seem to understand!!

Sorry if this was too much information...



  1. uh, you are a bit young for that I would have thought! Seriously, if it has come on all of a sudden then talk to your Dr.

    If you feel it has been building up for a while since your last baby then do more pelvic floor exercises, and still mention it to your Dr. Always better to ask about these things anyway.

    I think it is something that happens to all women to some degree, at some point, but you can help fix it and save yourself the Tena for another few years :)

  2. I agree talk to your Dr, Tops has the same issue, but hers is because she is lazy and doesn't empty properly when she goes the first time.

  3. Well, I don't feel like I need to pee all the time, but I have to wrap my legs around themselves about 3 times when I laugh really hard or cough or do an amazing amount of sneezing. I've tried Kegals, but they don't seem to do a lot for me. I think it might have had to do with the 11 lb. baby that sat on my bladder for while.

    My mom has had 2 bladder surgeries because hers had fallen and I've heard that will make you incontinent. When I'm rich and famous, I'm going to go have mine checked out. And I might even blog about it. :)

  4. I'd mention it to the doctor. For the most part though, I notice that I have this issue if I wait too long. (yeah, I'm kinda like a five year old like that....)

  5. The joys of having had kids. I hope its easily fixed.

  6. would go and get it checked out and keep up the pelvic floor excercises.


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