Soo not a domestic goddess

I have the book you know, the Nigella one about how to be one but thats just the kitchen though isn't it. I can cook fine and love to cook, I just don't seem to get the time these days to cook something really nice and then when I do the kids normally say "UUGH"!
But what about all the other bits, the cleaning, the ironing, the washing , but especially the cleaning!!

Those of you who know me , know that when things are tidy they are but then leave it a day come back again and you'll see that armageddon has taken place in our house. You know that programme on Channel 4 -"How clean is your house" well sometimes it gets a bit like that! I mean at the moment we have a living room which needs a hoover but could actually probaly do with a new carpet due to having accident prone people in this house. 
I'm sat here now with the living room tidy -but the things that were on the floor are piled high on chairs!! The girls are now back in and instead of demanding to have so and so toy out (which would normally be at the bottom of the pile) they are playing with 4 playmobile characters, a london bus and a snow white dresser which is being a combi tv and bunk bed! How I love their imagination and that Car is now finally getting Bel's.

In the dining room, where our washing machine is (due to having very small gallery kitchen) there is a pile of clean washing which if it gets any bigger will turn into a monster pile! My neighbour across the road has told me that she names her clean washing piles as they never seem to move.

Our kitchen, looks like a bomb has hit but soon I will go in and wash up, make some rice krispie cakes and make the girls supper!

So, maybe I've moments of domestic goddessity (??!) but why is it on my weekend and why can't my husband become a domestic god instead. I mean he is at home for most of the day and with Car in nursery for some of the day he would get more of a chance than me!



  1. At least your mound is clean.

    I am drowning in housework.

    I do one bit and they go and make a mess in another bit while I'm not looking.

    I'd settle for The Sock Dropper not decorating the house with his discarded clothes and Son of Thor not laying out painful foot traps made of Gormiti. I don't nbeed them to be deities so much as not be dumpers.

    Less domestic goddess and more domestic disaster here.

    Bet that Nigella has a cleaning lady anyway.

    Which is my next plan, I'm touting the idea of swopping cleaning services in exchange for English lesson (for self or one's children).

    I know where I am with Models of Obligation
    in the classroom, but when "shoulds" and "ought tos" invade my domicile in terms of keeping it clean and tidy I dissolve into a puddle of inadequacy and self flagellation.

  2. I am a bit tidy obsessed and I hate that about ten minutes after a big tidy it all looks a mess again. Luckily, I've got my husband well trained - I finish work after him so everyday I come home to a tidy house. It never lasts long but at least it's tidy when I walk in!

  3. The thing I hate about house work is that it always needs to be done again. Sounds stupid I know but every time I do a big clean up, it really annoys me that you can't cross it off your list because it has to be done all over again in a few days anyway. Grrr... Maybe you should just pretend you don't see it - it works for my husband :)

  4. Sarah - I know the feeling - OH asked only yesterday if I'd washed his jeans and I asked if they were in the wash basket I'd washed them but if they weren't then I wasn't a mindreader.
    MagicMummy - can you come round and do mine!!
    Musings of a Mother - I can pretend for a bit but then it gets too much and I do it all!

    You'll all be happy to know that I've know washed the dishes and made krispie cakes for the girls - just supper to make soon!!

  5. I was going to say I remember those days well - when toys were everywhere, etc. and then tell you it gets easier. But that would be a lie.

    Eventually you won't have toys everywhere - but there will still be "stuff" everywhere. I've figured it out - the only way my house will stay clean is if I am living in it BY MYSELF! Man-Child can't seem to figure out the art of throwing things in the trash and Hubby is a clutter-bug who can't seem to thrown anything away. So I'm fighting a losing battle over here.

  6. A first time visitor over from Northern Canada. Funny how the mess seems to follow us no matter our locale. No mom is safe. Felt good to read your post, as I know I'm not some big mess up while everyone else is spic and span. My bro in law is Welsh on his mom's side, from Bath. He came over and six months later had met my sister. We love him to bits.
    Nice to meet you,

  7. I know this feeling too well. Luckily my husband is marginally better at household stuff than me, and will sometimes rescue me when he comes home from work.

  8. Gigi - and I thought things would get better - oh no!
    Dana - thanks for visiting and yes I don't think any mom/mum is ever safe from the mess!
    Mwa - Can I borrow him now and again to teach my husband!!

  9. My neighbour has one of these houses that is IMPECCABLE, and she has two children under the age of 3. The fact that she always looks exhausted and stressed makes me think it's just not worth it! I am almost past caring that my house is always a tip... or at least that's what I try to convince myself...


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