What's that smell? -REVIEW

 No, its not the nappies in the bin in the corner, or the rotting dead thing down the back of the sofa.

It's the smell of memories. The smell that reminds me of my grandmother. The smell that hits your nose when I opened the pot this evening after it arrived.

Now, I am normally crap at skincare, sorry, no, I didn't mean that... hang on... I have a non existence skincare regime....
Sorry you didn't catch that, I'm not shouting it. OK. You see I hardly ever use makeup so what is wrong with just washing face with soap and then drying it off. Yes, I know your probaly going to all shout at me and tell me that I'm wrong but I am trying.

Anyway, thanks to It's a Mummy's Life , I have managed to get my hand on the cream that the stars use. Yes, Kylie, the Queen of Pop herself has deemed it one of her favourite beauty products and if its good enough for her then I must try it.

So tonight, whilst girls were eating their supper and just after I fed the fat pig (guinea!) I tried it on. It went on lovely, feeling smooth against my fingers and then I sat there for a while watching myself in the mirror. I then washed it off with damp cotton wool balls and my skin felt and still feels gorgeous. 

As this is a new foray into my new regime, I will try and give you updates daily on how my skin feels and looks after using it. If I start turning into Kylie then I will of course post a pic!!!



  1. Uh, my skincare routine is worse than yours so I won't even whisper it :D I get a rash of good intentions and then they just float away lol. Enjoy the cream:) Jen.

  2. Well I don't know if what I do is what I'd call a regimen....but you simply HAVE to put face cream on morning and night after washing. You HAVE to. It's "supposed" to fight off wrinkles....

  3. Glad it arrived. We'll try it together and report any miraculous changes! I"m like Jen and you, no 'regime' to speak of, but I must try and be a grown up now and sort that out x

  4. I know what you mean about evoking memories - I am more of a Nivea girl and I use Nivea cold cream (pot is about £5 and lasts about 5 years!). The smell of Nivea reminds me of sun cream in summer and my mum... - HMx

  5. I believe the Kylie campaign has increased Pond's sales manyfold!

    My grandmother used it and had beautiful sking until the day she died - it's even making me consider a pot rather than all my expensive Clinique stuff (only stuff that doesn't make my face itch)!


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