Mum, I need that!!

I imagine that these are cries heard by many of us on a daily basis.
Normally its for some annoying toy on telly that a) we've already got b) is something their never gonna get or c) is a great hint for me for Christmas presents!!

Imagine my surprise when a few seconds ago, on nick Jr (getting ready for bedtime Peppa Pig for Car - not that we've seen them all a million times already!!) when Bel asked - Can I have that? As I was blog browsing I looked up to this advert:

OMG.  I had to explain that this was for grown ups to which she exclaimed "But, I have hairy legs and arms!!"


  1. Oh, funny! I wonder about my poor girls - I'm afraid they are already well on their way to having their mother's (and their father's, come to think of it) hairy legs!

  2. I am hearing about this kind of stuff from mothers of girls aged 8!! My son has no more awareness of how he looks than a brick does, thankfully. I dread what it will be like when my daughter gets to that age!!

  3. LOL! They start younger and younger it seems like. When my co-worker's little girl was in about 1st grade she just couldn't wait to wear a bra - so she'd wear her bathing suit top under all her shirts!! Poor girl, she's got no clue that she's got the rest of her life to wear the damn things.

  4. Suzie - she is 6!
    Gigi - a friend of a friends daughter (about 9) wears those croppy bra tops but her mother is not impressed ( they were bought by an over eager gran!!)
    I worry that children are getting this image of how your meant to look thrown at them at every corner. Me, I tend to leave the house with hairy legs but I guess thats one advantage of having red hair!!

  5. Thanks for the message over at mine. Oh my!! I see your point, about the ads. My little one is very pale with dark hairs on her arms, legs and back - I can see this one becoming an issue soon.

  6. Madette, having dropped out of the nest early, was born furry. Lovely soft dark hair across her forehead and down her back. Curiously, we didn't think about a quick waxing.
    Junior Mad was born with incredibly neat hair. My mother (ever given to bonkers comments) accused me of having cut his hair. Imagine the conversation with the midwife ... "When you've done with the cord, can you pass the scissors across".

    Of course, when they get a bit older than your little Bel, they become horribly bothered by hair. "Why have I got so much" and "Why haven't I got any yet". Then you get the "Have you used my razor??" fights.

    Happy days.

    Mad x

  7. Ohh - that's sad. I used to be so traumatised by the whole thing, thinking I was the only one in the whole world who was that hairy. It's sad when it starts.

  8. i get this all the time. my 4 yr old recites adverts back to me infinitum. but at leat when the girly items come up he'll say "mummy you need that to give you shiny, glossy hair".!


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