To Poo in Peace

Aren't you lucky two posts in one day....anyway I digress.

I would like please to be able to poo in peace. Does anyone have any suggestions how this can be done.
I am considering having a lock put on the toilet door but after my childhood of being locked in loos (in my friend Wi's house - she knows the story!) I am wary of getting this done.
But seriously, why do my children need to know where I am 24/7.
Take last night for instance, I'd gone upstairs with the clean washing (Fred the wash pile is no more!) and decided that I needed to visit the facilites to do a poo! I sat on the loo, book ready (tis the only time I get to read!) and then "Mummy, Where are you, Mummy, Mummy" were the screams I heard. Did it not matter that Daddy was downstairs and they could go to him. No, apparently not.
So I answered back "I'm in the loo!", maybe I should have kept quite and made them wait because then the door swung open - "there you are, Mummy , what you doing".
Umm really girls I'm on the loo can I not be left alone. "Mummy come play".

In the end, I ha to finish my poo with an audience so my time of peace was destroyed.

Anyone have any suggestions....

Sorry if this is TMI - BNM


  1. Oh dear - that old chestnut! It sounds like you need the help of my new resident Agony Mum - check her on on my latest post. I'll pass your terrible trauma onto her and see if she can come up with any helpful antidote to your poo crisis. Good luck! HCM

  2. Oh, I even have the cat walk in on me. It's quite disturbing actually. She just stares at me. I'm starting to miss the toilet cubicles in work, at least there you were able to do your business in relative peace, plus gather a bit of gossip too!

  3. I know the feeling! We have a lock on the door that can be unlocked from the outside with a coin if necessary

  4. lol isn't it a pain. Although I have had some success with telling Ollie that I am going to the toilet before I go - so at least he doesn't have to yell out to me!!

  5. I'm not quite there yet with Piglet but I know it's just around the corner!

    Thanks for your comment, I'm hoping it's just a phase she's going through.

  6. No tips as I am still trying to figure out who to even wee in peace, a poo is just too much to ask for. I end up having to play peep around the bathroom door or hand over toothpaste or hairbrushes and admire my children after they pretened to spruce themselves up. Someday.............. Jen

  7. Without resorting to the bribery of sweets of the TV then I am out of ideas.

  8. I have no idea, but I would love to find out! The only way I have half a decent chance is by going directly after both girls have also happened to go - there is then only the slightest possible chance I will have someone yelling "mummy, I need a weeeeee/poooooo"* (*delete as applicable)

  9. Lol! Same in our house so no advice, having a bath as well is considered showtime, one of them gets out of bed, sits on the loo swinging their legs, claiming they can't sleep so instead will chat to me. Made me laugh as well calling it the 'facilities' - took me back!


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