Miracles have happened


Yes everybody you are reading correctly, Neb (DH) got up with me and Car this morning at 6am.
I know its a shock to you all, it was a shock to me too.. and then of course it went wrong.

Car and I are used to our mornings together, our time before Bel gets up. I normally have Top Cat and Bugs on for a bit and then we flip over to Ballymory for our morning fix (no actually not mine!).

But No, Neb wanted to watch Scooby Doo and then got stroppy when I asked him to put CBeebies on. He got stroppy with Car, moaned at me and then went on the laptop.
So now I was behind with my blog catch up (all of which I've just done quickly while waiting for a program to load in work!!) and behind with everything else. 
Granted he did make the girls breakfast but because Daddy was down they had it in the living room and not in the dining room..grrrr.....

Anyway I better get back to doing some proper work!

Speak to you all soon

PS - I've added my marshamallow pic...


  1. Men do get in the way, don't they? Daughter and I get off to school much quicker when husband's away.


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