Sunshine after the rain

There will be sunshine after the rain ( or so the song goes - here) and if it doesn't then I've always got the lovely new award to look at which was given to me by It's a Mummy's Life.
Thank you very much for the award and for saying that I make you smile ( you must realise by now how mad I am...!!).

Right so the rules of the award are as follows:
  • Put the Logo on your sidebar, or within a post. (or both like me too!)
  • Pass the award onto 12 Bloggers. (yes really 12) 
  • Link the nominees within your post.
  • Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
  • Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award 
So I now have to find 12 bloggers to pass the award onto. So here goes:
Tara for now - that took a bit longer than expected... aagh better do some work this afternoon before its going home time.



  1. Awwwwwwwww! Thanks so much BNM!!! I love you too. And congrats on your award--you deserve it! I heart your bloggy and you too.

  2. Yeay! Thank you so much... and such a peeerrrrty award! So exciting to get awards and to realise that people do actually read my ramblings!
    Potential Mummy B x

  3. Thanks BNM, you just made my day!! My PC has broken so borrowing hubbies to check my mails. Looking forward to getting a moment to blog and getting away from that potty!
    Cheers x

  4. Ohh my first one, thanks BNM, however, being a bit on the dim side and despite your instructions I am little sure now what to do! I tried to add it to my sidebar as a picture and it didnt like the URL, am I meant to save it first, add as a logo (could only seem to add the blogger logo), help!


  5. SLM- have sent you a quick email but as on here quickly - if you go to customise blog then on the rhs add then get the menu up from blogger you can add picture and can name it and link it etc etc... does that make sense??
    if anyone else knows of easier way please let SLM know..
    Anyways must dash, Neb watching Skiing in other room and could pop in at any minute.

  6. a bit of sunshine in life is always nice, isn't it?

  7. Thank you so much for this. Happy shiny award to brighten a very dull day.


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