What is love, really?

After reading Sandy@Baby Baby's recent post "What is love" I thought I'd compile my own version of this - the BNM version...

  1. Love is having your husband hold your hair back so you don't get puke on it ( btw I hope that I win the choccies with this - see here if you think you'll stand a better chance
  2. Love is standing by your husband when he looks like the elephant man (here) 
  3. Love is not laughing when your wife falls into the bath on your wedding night (after several drinks...) when trying to get into sexy underwear
  4. Love is having to constantly put up with your wife's bad taste in cheesy music, yet secretely loading it onto his ipod.
  5. Love is sticking with them through richer and poorer - although if someone has any idea how we can get richer please let me know.
  6. Love is letting your husband clean out the cats litter trays - when I was pregnant I used the whole toxic faeces thing now he just does it.
  7. Love is all the silly rhymes we put in our cards - no I'm not telling you what they are!
  8. Love is laughing at father in laws jokes for the umpteenth time!
  9. Love is cleaning up kids puke and cleaning up kids as wife would probaly join in the puke fest if she smelt it.
  10. Love is not minding that your wife drools when she falls asleep on the sofa.
  11. Love is letting your wife have one more go on Treasure Madness as she is honestly not addicted to it.
  12. Love is realising that sometimes when you explain complicated stuff to me (eg American football rules) that the uh huh means that I do want to hear more (and not  that I'm ignoring you...!)
  13. Love is definately not minding or complaining when your wife steals the duvet.
  14. Love is taking it like a man when you snore and your wife elbows you in the side and holds your nose.
  15. and finally love is because I do with all my heart even though there are times when I don't!!
For Neb with all my love - our wedding song.



  1. Awwww! How sweet! Almost brought tears to my eyes.

    Any yeah I know EXACTLY what you mean by " love is because I do with all my heart even though there are times when I don't!!"

  2. This is pretty cool even the cheesy rhymes!

  3. Lovely, really lovely *sniffs*!

  4. Thanks everyone and there's me thinking that none of you were weepy... it was the song wasn't it not the snoring or the cheest rhymes!

  5. #3 is priceless! Hope you had a lovely valentines days

  6. Ah yes, Number 9. I would stay wiht any man soley for this reason!


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