Things must get better soon, musn't they

Well when you thought things were getting better (or I was doing a better job of ignoring them) they get worse.

At 3.50 today I got a phone call from Neb saying the car had broken down in the school playground.
It is still there. I have sent him to look at it - because quite frankly sitting on your ass watching telly ain't gonna fix it.
Thats when I lost it - I'd been humping at him because he seemed not bothered that the car had broken down and that if its was broken someone (me) would have to pay for it to be fixed!!

I got told "Stop stressing about things, there's no point getting all worried about it all"

I mean really ,I think he is doing this don't you:


  1. I hope you let wrip hun. Things will improve soon. Wi xxx

  2. Probably. Men have a much better capacity to handle stress, I find, it just seems to not get to them the same way. That or they just leave it all to their wives!! Hope its not an expensive job to fix up the car. Jen.

  3. Men! Any ideas what wrong with it? Do you know someone who might? I normally have to tell DH what it might be, as he is useless when it comes to anything like that. Hope you get it fixed soon and give Neb a good slapping for his lack of caring xo

  4. Oh no! Not the car!

    I know you don't want to unload all your stress on him - but letting him realize that you are a bit stressed can't be a bad

  5. Men! Seriously! Grrrr! As gigi said though, it would probably help to tell him your a bit stressed about stuff, better than bottling it all up till you explode in uncontainable rage.

  6. He's a man - it's their default position!


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