Dear So & So

Dear Glee Project people 

Thank you, thank you and thank you for making a grown women very happy. I am so looking forward to seeing Damian in Glee (which starts back here again next week) but note its not always a good idea to make me scream while kids are in bed!

(just in case you have no idea who I mean!)

Thank you
 Biggest Glee fan in Wales, BNM

Dear husband

Its nice that you are not working on Sunday. I am looking forward to Sunday snuggles with you.
Other things too.

Love you 

Dear Bel and Car
Please don't disturb mummy and daddy on Sunday morning. In fact, you could have a lie in (in your own beds). 
Love you

Dear Sunday
I am going to surround myself with my family and not think about what happened. If I am happy then the sadness and tears can't leak through. I will be strong like she was to that day. 

Dear Readers
Hello all - how are you?
Thank you for listening to my rants!

Remember you can join in over there at Kat's
