How many is too many?

During my lunchhour I was listening to the radio on my new i pod (I won it yeah much to Neb's jealousy) and I was shocked to hear about the 54 year old who is currently pregnant with her 9th and 10th twin babies.
Now, as you know I only have two girls and after much discussion I think we will not be having any more (even if I do feel a bit guilty as Neb has no heir to his name) unless we win the lottery, buy a house ,have some more room etc etc.
And I know that some of you out there in blogland are mum to many and fair play to you all . In my mind you deserve a medal and a great big hug but would you go as far as this woman.

But would you go as far as having IVF not once but twice, once 2 years ago and once 6 months ago. She already had 7 healthy children. She went through the menopause and went out to the Czech republic for the treatment. Is 7 not enough children already?

She has confessed herself that having babies seems to be an addiction for her "I love the smell of them" (sorry, poo and sick - ok then!) and "having young children gives her a sense of purpose in life".

Do any of you out there crave for a larger family or are you addicted to having babies?


  1. I think that lady is a bit barking mad to be honest. Surely she must have someone helping her, it must be so tiring at that age with all those children. I do find babies strangely addictive though. I find that with each subsequent child you enjoy them more and more because you feel confident about what you're doing. Birth (usually) gets easier each time too. I've just had my third and she's nearly three months old. I don't think I want more but then the thought of not having more makes me feel sad. As for whether we can afford more children we don't think about it (we probably can't!). A lot of clothes and toys get passed down though. There's my age to think about, although I'm not too aged yet.

  2. Well, I think it all depends on the person and the circumstances. I'm 28 and I have 3. I would love 6! You know, let's get a couple of girls around here! LOL! But unless a miracle happens --and it could! We have an all-powerful God who could create the mountains out of nothing, what are a couple of snipped tubes?-- we're at 3. I wouldn't ever say someone shouldn't have babies. There's a plan written out that we have no idea of. ;)

    Look at the Duggers... American family with 19 kids and 1 grandbaby. They amazingly have all those kids and NO DEBT! Crazy, but true. And they are all extremely polite and everything. I'm lucky to get my 4 yr. old to put his clothes on!

    And affording it...I fully believe the Lord provides for everything if you put faith in Him. That and if you're going to have a large family, you can't turn your nose up at hand-me-downs, Goodwill, second hand shops, or anything like that. I have passed things on before, thinking I wasn't able to get pregnant again, and whoops! There we are, up the spout, and with NOTHING left. I had calls saying "Hey, I have a lot of baby clothes I'm getting rid of, do you want 'em?" Things like that. Trust God. He never lets you down.

  3. If I could I would of had at least one more, without a doubt. I find it hard to think we wont have anymore and I am so broody and would have another tomorrow if I could. However nature took its course, 2 prem babies and the powers to be decided I would not have the option again. When Jude was delivered they gave us the option of tying my tubes, and neither of us could bear the thought of saying no more, so decided to let nature take its course, if another one was meant to be, then so be it. it wasnt :(.

    We are however seriously considering adopting, but its so hard and we feel we need to clear our debts first but I have to admit, the urge is getting stronger, especialy when watching these programmes about all the abandoned chinese babies........ it will be a number of years yet but watch this space!

  4. I can understand people wanting large families and the joy that that can bring. But people who just like having babies and replace a grown one with another time after time? There is definitely something wrong there and to have IVF after nature has decreed your childbearing days are over must be quite dangerous too. Does she get any psychological assessment before IVF?


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